The AIDUS Coin is used as the single key currency for the ADFP-based decentralized fund market, which is one of the business models of AIDUS Platform.
The currency symbol of the AIDUS Coin is ‘AID’ and it’s a ERC20-based token.
Investors and Asset Management Companies(AMCs) shall use the AIDUS Coin during the signing into the funds, expiration of the fund operation period, and redemption at the ADFP-based decentralized fund market.
Investors, who want to engage in the asset management can buy the AIDUS Coin from a crypto exchange and sign into the asset management company’s fund through the AIDUS platform. AMC (Asset Management Companies) publish various information about their product and product itself on the AIDUS platform so that the investors could select the fund.
Then, after operating the fund the AMC should purchase the AIDUS Coin again at the exchange, according to the fund operation profit to be paid to the investor.
During this transaction, the amount offered by the asset management company is converted to the market price of the coin, which the investor must buy at the exchange to enter the fund.
AIDUS is aiming at truly creating a ‘valuable coin’ through business models, and has now developed the business model that will enable the current value of the coin (not just restricted to the future listing value) and has enabled an actual immediate usage at that platform.
Further information you can find through AIDUS websites:
Official website:
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