US Investors Focus on the AIDUS Project

New York West Investment Briefing, February 5th , 2019

3 min readMar 6, 2019
Photo provided -ISIS Global

🔹An Huichan reporter
🔹Input: 2019.03.05 15:27:05

On 5 February, AISYS GLOBAL PTE. LTD (Singapore headquarter, CEO David Chen) held an investment briefing at the New York Rockefeller Plaza in New York.

The ‘AIDUS Project’ is continuously acquiring stable returns based on the QTS (Quant Trading System) system. More than 100 people from around the world attended this investment briefing. The registration fee reached a total of 10,000 US dollars.

AISYS Global has revealed details about the AIDUS project that day.

David Chen, AISYS Global Representative and “AIDUS Project” Advisor, Ted Kim, have spent more than 2 hours explaining the AIDUS QTS’s profitability verification process, demonstration of real accounts, and the value of future investments.

After that, the organizers answered questions from investors who were interested in the AIDUS Project.

In particular, David Chen said that QTS related verification process is planned to be completed of yield in early March through PKF O’Connor Davies, a global accounting firm.

David Chen underlined:

“We have been working on getting certifications from US accounting firms and law firms for the QTS return rate, and have achieved a visible results. In early March, we plan to complete the QTS rate certification process through PKF O’Connor Davies, a global accounting firm located in the eastern United States”.

As a result, AISYS Global is expected to have better suitability in the US business market.

AISYS Global said that the results of the briefing session were successful, including receiving additional consultation requests from more than 20 to 30 investors only at the briefing.

“When the briefing was finished, the draft of the first contract was being exchanged between investors and consultations on investment were under way.” “Moreover 14 additional consultations are scheduled for early March, so we expect to see visible results in March.” — The person in charge of AIDUS team, AIDUS project leader said.

AISYS Global is currently developing the AIDUS Decentralized Fund Platform (ADFP) as part of the ‘AIDUS Project’ and is also developing products that can revolutionize the financial market in order to diversify its business.

In Korea, the QTS rate of return is notarized from accounting and law firms every week, and it is disclosed on the homepage to ensure transparency.

[An Huichan reporter]
[Ⓒ Maeil Business &, All rights reserved and redistribution prohibited]

Keep paying attention to AIDUS Project!

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Written by AIDUS

AIDUS is a decentralized platform established upon the Ethereum network to serve as a professional asset management platform. Official website

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